Archive for November, 2008

Alameda home prices

November 9, 2008

Home prices in Alameda appear to be holding up (relatively speaking, of course).

More than 70 percent of Bay Area ZIPs saw prices fall by more than 10 percent – often by considerably more than that. The mid-range price decline on a per-square-foot basis around the nine counties was 17 percent.

In comparison, declines on a per-square-foot basis in Alameda are 4.9% (94501) and 8.5% (94502).

Median prices have declined by 11.8% (94501) and 1.4% (94502)

A Change Is Gonna Come

November 3, 2008

Coincidence or prophetic? 🙂 KCSM played this on Sunday … as part of their American Jazz countdown. Additional information on the song from wikipedia.

Yes on Prop 2

November 1, 2008

In an ideal world, we would all be vegetarians, but ground realities dictate otherwise. You would think that at the very least, the “meat eaters” would insist that animals be treated humanely before they are slaughtered … so I fail to understand the kerfuffle and the hand wringing over Proposition 2.

As the NYT Editorial states:

The goal of the California Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act — Proposition 2 on the state’s November ballot — sounds extremely modest. It would ban the confinement of animals in a way that keeps them from being able to stand, sit, lie down, turn around and extend their limbs. The fact that such fundamental decencies have to be forced upon factory farming says a lot about its horrors.

Wouldn’t the opponents of Prop 2 raise a stink if they were denied such fundamental decency? To think that this is even being debated speaks a lot about our society.

To a California voter still undecided on Proposition 2, we say simply, imagine being confined in the voting booth for life. Would you vote for the right to be able to sit down and turn around and raise your arms?