Archive for April, 2008

What is your WalkScore?

April 20, 2008

In the Sunday NYT Magazine:

Last summer, a trio of Seattle software developers started, which calculates the number of potential destinations within walking distance of any given address and then produces a rating. If your neighborhood scores 90 or above, you can easily live there without a car; if it scores under 25, you’ll be driving to the backyard.

I entered a couple of random addresses in Alameda. As expected, neighborhoods in the vicinity of Webster and Park St have high walkscores (85 and 94, respectively), while it was significantly lower (40-50s) for Bay Farm.

Go ahead, lookup your Walk Scores!

Alameda Theater … almost there!

April 19, 2008

Or is that Alameda Theatre? (not sure I understand the fascination for the British versions; first Alameda Towne Centre and now Alameda Theatre!)

But I digress and snark aside … after years of back and forth, the theatre is finally nearing completion. A black tie event (tickets are $100) is scheduled for the 21st May to mark the opening.

Join us Wednesday, May 21, 2008 for the grand reopening of the historic Alameda Theatre. The City and its partner, Alameda Entertainment Associates, will host a Grand Opening Black Tie Gala event to raise funds to restore the original Art Deco mural in the mezzanine lobby of the Theatre and completely refurbish the original hand-painted curtain.

There is also a free “grand opening” event scheduled for the 24th May.