Archive for November, 2012

Alameda woman fighting foreclosure

November 5, 2012

This is really bad …

There’s this woman, her name is Jodie, and the moving vans and probably sheriff’s deputies are supposed to be coming to throw her and her belongings out of her house tomorrow morning. Jodie has been fighting to stay in her home for years. Companies affiliated with Morgan Stanley shuttled the loan around from one subsidiary to the other until they foreclosed on her.

Morgan Stanley’s tactics have included:

  • pushing her into a predatory refinance.
  • Moving her loan around from company to company so she couldn’t get a fix on who to negotiate with
  • Removing the lawyer for Morgan Stanley who was actually negotiating with Jodie when they were close to reaching a mutually acceptable plan; and
  • Stunningly, breaking in and changing the locks to her house WHILE SHE WAS AT A CHEMOTHERAPY SESSION